Read your mail when and where you want to

Read your mail when and where you want to

e-Boks can be used everywhere. Log onto e-Boks from your computer, tablet or mobile phone. It couldn't be easier.

Use of e-Boks

All citizens over the age of 15 with a Swedish civil registration number can use e-Boks. More than 11 million private individuals use e-Boks today.

e-Boks is for everyone.

e-Boks is linked to your civil registration number and follows you throughout your life, even if you move or change e-mail address.

e-Boks is free

e-Boks is free to use, and you can receive unlimited amounts of mail from different senders to your e-Boks.

Use of e-Boks
You choose what mail you wish to receive digitally

You decide which mail you wish to receive digitally

With a few key strokes, you can choose which companies you wish to receive digital mail from in e-Boks. You can also choose how you want to archive your mail - just as you may create and name the folders and move your documents.

You will automatically be given notification of new mail

You do not need to log onto your e-Boks every day to see if there is new mail. You can choose to receive an e-mail notification when you have received new mail in your e-Boks.

We take care of your papers
- So you can feel secure

Use of civil registration number

Use of civil registration number

The use of civil registration number in e-Boks is subject to a very strict legislation that has been inspected and approved by the Data Protection Agency.

Security has the higest priority

Security has the higest priority

At e-Boks, security has the highest priority, and we do everything we can to keep your information secure. All communication between you and e-Boks is encrypted.

How we store your documents

How we store your documents

- Data is stored in a secure data centre in Denmark that meets the most stringent security requirements.