How do I cancel e-Boks in the event of death and establish access to the deceased's e-Boks?

If e-Boks is to be cancelled in the event of death, the following form and a copy of a grant of probate should be sent to e-Boks.

In the case of spouses, a request should be sent in for access to be set up to the deceased’s e-Boks (national identity number) from the spouse’s e-Boks (national identity number), including a copy of a grant of probate regarding undivided possession of an estate.

If the spouse has appointed someone else to administer the actual distribution of the estate (son/daughter), authority to administer the estate should be enclosed. If the authority to administer the estate has been assigned to several people, they should jointly request that access is established via one e-Boks, as e-Boks is only able to create one single access.

If the estate is administered privately in the event of death, usually by surviving children, a copy of the grant of probate for private administration should be submitted, including a request to set up access to the deceased person’s e-Boks (national identity number) from the appointee’s e-Boks (national identity number).

Where there are several appointees, authority to administer the estate should be sent. If the authority to administer the estate has been assigned to several people, they should jointly request that access is established via one e-Boks, as e-Boks is only able to create one single access.